1-800-255-8362  |  651-293-1234

Reverification Letters

What To Do if You Receive a Reverification Letter from TENA

Reverification Letter Samples

Why did I receive a reverification letter from TENA?

If you received a reverification letter from TENA, don’t panic! We use reverifications as part of our comprehensive audits for mortgage lenders and servicers. YOU ARE NOT BEING AUDITED. We just need to verify that the information that was collected from you is correct.  

Is my information secure?

Absolutely. As a firm that audits thousands of banks across the country, TENA exhibits top-of-the-line security systems and facilities. Your information was only pulled as a sampling of a larger audit of your mortgage lender or servicer, to ensure they are following the strict rules and regulations regarding the handling of your mortgage. 

What action do I need to take?

Review the provided documents and answer the questions related to the documents included on the letter. You do not need to provide any new information, only re-confirm the information that was originally provided by you. Return the documents to TENA via the enclosed postage-paid return envelope, or fax it to 651-293-4400. 

Is my mortgage lender or servicer in trouble?

No. Third party audits are done routinely and are a requirement for any mortgage lending firm in order to comply with regulations. Reverifications are a small part of comprehensive audits that are done on a regular basis to help protect you, the consumer, and your mortgage lender.

Have more questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us:

By phone:

1-800-255-TENA (8362)


By email: 



By mail: 

251 West Lafayette Frontage Rd S. 

St. Paul, MN 55107


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